It happened that my friend Glenn, on La Sirena, came down with something very pneumonia like. After many days of no improvement, he walked into town to see Dr. Hector Pimienta at his office/pharmacy. The Doctor prescribed an antibiotic and an expectorant, which Glenn purchased at the pharmacy.
But this wasn't Glenn's best day. Two blocks from the Doctors office he came across me having lunch at Enrique's Glorietta Restaurant. Glenn joined me but ate little, looked terrible, and proceeded to collapse at the table. While I kept him off the floor for the few moments required until he recovered, Enrique, the restaurant owner, went for Dr. Pimienta. The doctor arrived minutes later and proceeded to check Glenn over once again, discovering this time Glenns very low blood pressure.
Dr. Pimienta counseled Glenn on when to take the medication and to lay off his blood pressure medication for a few days.
Cost of office visit including drugs: 500 pesos ($50.00 US)
Cost of house call: 100 pesos ($10.00 US)
Increase in our opinion of small town Mexico: Priceless