October 27, 2007
Carolyn informed me this morning that she would not be leaving San Diego aboard Snow Goose. I am not sure why she made this choice, especially after all the hard work she put in during the previous six weeks. Perhaps it was the all work, no play atmosphere. Either way, I now need one more crew to make three. My former co-pilot, David Zogg, is due in tomorrow, making it possible to continue with two onboard, but three makes all things easier.
Today, at the Ha Ha party, I ran into an old acquaintance, Rennie Waxlax, who has sailed this course several times. He introduced me to a young friend of his, Greg Retkowski, who has also done this several times and is an accomplished racing/cruising sailor. Greg thought about my crew situation for a few moments and then offered to go along to Cabo San Lucas. I agreed on the spot. Problems come, and then, poof, they go!
The Ha Ha started on time yesterday, and we started with it. By evening, we were miles ahead of all but the fastest boats. The winds built to 15-25 knots overnight, and by 5am we needed to take down the spinnaker before it took itself down in small pieces. We did. It didn’t. And all was well!
We ran downwind all day (30th) wing and wing, making great time and increasing our lead on all but 5 boats (out of 178). The speeds we sailed at put some stress on some equipment. First to fail was the DuoGen water driven electrical generator. It didn’t like constant speeds above 8 knots. It may not be cut out for life on a 50’ boat.
We arrived at Turtle Bay at 1320 on the 31st, still ahead of all but 5 boats. Altogether a fine performance by Snow Goose and her pick-up crew! After few minor repairs, we will leave again on the 3rd of November.
7pm: Went into “town” for a beer and dinner. Very few boats have arrived so far, so “restaurant” was empty. We are tired but happy.
On another note, the long range e-mail system I had installed just before departing San Diego has worked extremely well. I’ve exchanged e-mails with the kids, Mom, and friends. I also get timely weather reports. It’s not like browsing the web, but it sure works!
Leg 2 began at 0800 today. Sailed well until a small but necessary part caused a problem with the spinnaker. Took it down, and motored for a while. Then, on Day 2, when a better wind appeared, sailed again until the wind died 7 hours from Bahia Santa Maria. Motored the rest of the way, getting into the bay around midnight.
Bahia Santa Maria has only some fishermans shacks. Picturesque. A beach party was held the dafter our arrival: complications arose from large surf breaking on beach. Local fishermen provided water-taxi service to beach, but had to stop ferrying people back to boats at sunset due to size of swells (caused by storms in south Pacific). 75 people spent night on beach…including our crew, Greg. He’ll have stories to tell for years.
Nov 9:
Anchored in Cabo San Lucas. Have wi-fi with good signal!! Dinner in town last night! Mmmmmm, dinner. Will be here a few days, then sail to Isla Isabela bird sanctuary.